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Online tools

Salary Management


Presta Web Logo

Presta Web

Entering performances in a simple way!

To open the program, please click Presta Web.

A suite of online web applications which allows you to enter the data requested for the payroll processing of your staff members.

In just a few clicks, you update, into a calendar, the performances prepared according to work schedules and forecasts. You can also update some wage data.

The use is very intuitive, its interface is modern and simple and there is no need of training to be able to use it. Login from your PC/Mac, your tablet or your smartphone, the applications can be accessed from anywhere.

An employee is on leave for the whole month? In just two clicks, it’s entered!

HR Management


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Who Is Who

Consulting personal data.

To open the program, please click Who Is Who.


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Leave Request

Leave request, notification of absence.

To open the program, please click Leave Request.


Document management


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File Transfer

Receiving and sending your documents.

To open the program, please click File Transfer.

Did you experience some difficulties to find your way through the files transmitted through FTP via files.groups.be?

File Transfer is designed to overcome these problems. It provides the same basic functionalities, but with more simplicity and more clarity. For example, you do not need anymore to know the file name terminology. It also allows to:

  • sort according to different criteria
  • download several files at once
  • sort according to different document types, to not yet downloaded files, to the employer number, to the dates, etc.
  • sort according to each available information column
  • forward your files more quickly and more easily.

Despite the simplicity of use, an online visual help is available. It also enhances the clarity of the service.


Simulation tools


Presta Web Logo

Salary Sim

Salary simulations: gross to net & net to gross salary.

To open the program, please click Salary Sim.

Through this program, you can make a salary simulation starting from the gross salary (simulation gross to net salary) or starting from the net salary desired (simulation net to gross salary).

The program takes the staff member’s personal situation into account, his or her tax situation and if applicable the group insurance policy.

On top of that the program also calculates the employer’s contribution as well as the total amount that needs to be paid by the employer.

The option Salary Sim+ allows you to make the same calculation but requires more detailed input.

It allows:

  • Salary calculations for 9 types of contract,
  • To take part time workers into consideration,
  • To consider the daily working regime,
  • To indicate the joint committee and social security identification number,
  • To have more information taken into account (such as holiday pay, commissions, fringe benefits,...).